
July 05, 2024

Here's my list of bookmarks for various bookmarks. I'll keep adding to it over time.

General Documentation and How-to

Docker / Kubernetes / General Container Info

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Solved: sshd still allowing password auth despite updating config file

July 05, 2024

I'll keep this short and sweet: On recent editions of debian linux distributions, you may have noticed that setting PasswordAuthentication no doesn't seem to have any effect when you set it.

That's because high up in the sshd_config file, there's a statement to include additional configs:

Include . . .

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Tech Glossary

Because sometimes it's nice to have terminology all in one place.

July 05, 2024

Here's a list of terms and concepts I get asked about. I'll keep adding to it over time.

Containers / Kubernetes

  • Containers -- A technology that bundles the code for an application, and the configuration required to run the code itself, in one unit. (Source: LinkedIn Learning)
  • Container registry -- A . . .

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Image vs Container Registry

July 04, 2024

I like analogies. They make it easier to express ideas and communicate concepts.

Recently someone was asking about the difference between an "images" vs "registry", and how they pertain to containers.

I came across this one amidst a google search (source unknown - sorry):

Imagine a . . .

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Refresher on negative indexing in python

July 02, 2024

Friendly reminder regarding python slice notation for negative indexing. It's covered really well here.

Basically, the last value has an index of -1... second last has an index of -2... and so on.

 | P | y | t | h | o | n |
 0 1 2 3 4 5
 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 . . .

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Favorite quote on listening

June 24, 2024

I recently came across an email newsletter blurb that resonated:

Listening is a bit of a lost art.

It goes beyond just hearing words—it’s about creating a space where respect and understanding can grow, which is key for building supportive and meaningful relationships.

Becoming a better listener means giving . . .

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Original game developer notes for Deus Ex

Whoa. This is awesome.

June 15, 2024

I was feeling a bit nostalgic this weekend and re-watched Warren Spector's awesome GDC 17 presentation describing the development of Deus Ex. If you haven't seen it and have some spare time, check it out here. It has a truly fascinating lifecycle.

During the presentation, Warren alluded to a lot of pre-game development and . . .

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