Kubernetes Refresher - Pods vs Containers vs Deployment vs Services

July 09, 2024

Another quick recap:

  • Pods are the smallest unit of compute in Kubernetes.
  • Kubernetes pods group similar containers into a logical unit.
  • Containers inside of Kubernetes pods have the same IP address and move "together" from host to host.
  • Pods get scheduled on to kubelets (nodes).
  • While you can create . . .

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Refresher on Docker Containers

July 09, 2024

Here's a quick recap on Docker containers and how they work.

  • Containers are virtualized instances of operating system kernels.
  • Be careful though: Unlike virtual machines, while containers look like separate smaller instances of Linux or Windows, they consume resources like processor time, memory, and disk space directly . . .

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Data storage options for Kubernetes

July 08, 2024

Here's a high-level refresher on persistent storage options for K8 workloads. Note: there are a lot of techniques and ways to store data. These are just two popular examples.

  • Database storage - For example, a mysql or postgres SQL database running on a server that is separate from your cluster. Or perhaps leveraging a . . .

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Micro-Learning Content on Deepstash

July 08, 2024

I'm a big fan of micro-learning (and learning on the go). As such, I thought it might be helpful if I start publishing a sub-set of blog material and notes in that format.

For now, I'm trying out a platform called "Deepstash". It's not exactly the service I was envisioning but it'll do for now. It's a . . .

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Refresher on ways to manage Kubernetes pods

July 08, 2024

I'll keep this brief -- here's a reminder on the various ways that Kubernetes can manage pods:

  • Kubernetes Deployment - The most common way to deploy containerized applications. This approach lets you control the number of replicas running. When you have a new version of the application running, Kubernetes can keep the . . .

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Kubernetes Worker Node Architecture 101

July 08, 2024

Here's some quick recap points regarding worker nodes in Kubernetes:

  • Remember the previous analogy about the Kubernetes control plane being like an air traffic control tower? Think of a worker node as an airport terminal where planes park and passengers board.
  • In order to be highly available, most Kubernetes clusters . . .

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Kubernetes Control Plane Architecture 101

July 06, 2024

Here's a quick recap of kubernetes control plane architecture:

  • An instance of Kubernetes is called a cluster.
  • Each cluster has a control plane and at least one worker node.
  • Think of the control plane like air traffic control at a busy airport with people overlooking the cluster to make sure nodes and pods are . . .

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