How to get things done

Even when you don't feel like it

March 18, 2024

The other day, I came across a great set of principles for tackling procrastination. Credit where credit is due: this list came from the great Colby Kultgen

  1. Start small. Like reeaaally small. Do 1 push-up. Write 1 line of code. Meditate for 1 minute. Make the barrier to start so low, that you would feel stupid for not . . .

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Quick tip: leverage strings command to make hybrid files more readable

December 29, 2023

I came across a nifty linux command (strings) recently and wanted to boost the volume. It's super helpful for filtering out non-human-readable (binary) content from from a file.

For example, I reviewing a Vim swap file containing php content and the output looked like:

Silvrback blog image(don't worry - this isn't actual data. . . .

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Security Certification Roadmap

December 14, 2023

Wow! Check out this awesome cybersecurity security infographic by Paul Jerimy. Original source here.

Silvrback blog image

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Initial thoughts on book summary services

Think of it like "cliff notes" for personal knowledge.

December 08, 2023

As a productivity enthusiast, I'm always on the lookout for newer and faster ways to acquire meaningful information. I mean c'mon. Who wouldn't want to instantly gain knowledge ala Neo from The Matrix, right?

Recently I've been looking into a few tools specializing in "book summaries". Each service has . . .

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The Purpose of Productivity

October 11, 2023

I'm currently reading the book "Productivity for how you're wired" by Ellen Faye. I'll share more thoughts about it in a future post but in the meantime, I couldn't resist sharing this gem:

The purpose of improving our productivity isn't just to get more done. The purpose is to create a better life . . .

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Microsoft Storm-0558 Attack Analysis

September 30, 2023

I meant to post this earlier but got distracted by a few other things. Yay for busy life, right?

Earlier this month Microsoft concluded their investigation of the recent Storm-0558 email compromise/attack and the results are... fascinating. I highly recommend checking out the blog post when you get a chance. It's available here. . . .

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Two-Minute App Review: Monster Hunter Now

This is what I wanted Pokémon Go to be

September 16, 2023

Disclaimer: I'm still in the middle of reviewing this game. Final verdict is pending...

I think I may have found my new favorite mobile GPS game. I know, I know - there's significant irony in that statement considering that immediately prior to that sentence is a disclaimer about how I'm still reviewing it.... So yeah, . . .

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