Nice quote on security governance of AI

August 20, 2024

Came across this gem from LinkedIn Learning course by Lyron Andrews.

AI doesn't correct poor governance it simply accelerates existing behavior

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Analogy for Generative AI vs Discriminative AI

August 20, 2024

I've recently been studying ISO/IEC 42001:2023 and came across a great LinkedIn Learning course by Lyron Andrews.

Among the many noteworthy points, Lyron summed the differences well between "Generative AI" learning models and "Discriminative AI" models:

A helpful analogy is that a generative . . .

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The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

August 03, 2024

I know this exists in exactly one billion places on the Internet, but figured another blog post wouldn't hurt. Digging this:

The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is . . .

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What are recommend style attributes in Terraform code?

July 23, 2024

Just a quick recap on Terraform code style attributes:

  • The proper indentation in a Terraform file is two spaces rather than a tab.
  • Block meta-arguments should go at the end of a resource definition.
  • All single arguments should be together in a group followed by an empty line.
  • Use blank lines for clarity and . . .

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Explain to me like I'm 9: What are "resources" in Terraform?

July 23, 2024

Josh Samuelson has a fantastic LinkedIn Learning course about Terraform and answers this question quite clearly:

  • Resources are the building blocks of Terraform code.
  • Resources define the 'what' of your infrastructure and Terraform figures out the 'how'.
  • Although all resources share the same syntax, . . .

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Explain to me like I'm 9: What exactly is Terraform and how does it work?

July 22, 2024

Sometimes it helps to have a succinct explanation of things. Here's a recap of Terraform:

  • Terraform is an infrastructure management tool made by HashiCorp.
  • Its primary purpose is to allow administrators to provision, manage, and maintain cloud resources.
  • Terraform is a tool and a language.
    • As a tool, . . .

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Python refresher: lists vs tuples vs sets vs dictionaries

July 13, 2024

Just a quick refresher to clarify differences:

  • Sets, lists, tuples, and dictionaries are all data structures that offer various ways to organize and store data. The difference is in the details.
  • Lists are an ordered and mutable collection of elements(meaning that their values can be modified after creation).
      . . .

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