What are recommend style attributes in Terraform code?

July 23, 2024

Just a quick recap on Terraform code style attributes:

  • The proper indentation in a Terraform file is two spaces rather than a tab.
  • Block meta-arguments should go at the end of a resource definition.
  • All single arguments should be together in a group followed by an empty line.
  • Use blank lines for clarity and . . .

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Explain to me like I'm 9: What are "resources" in Terraform?

July 23, 2024

Josh Samuelson has a fantastic LinkedIn Learning course about Terraform and answers this question quite clearly:

  • Resources are the building blocks of Terraform code.
  • Resources define the 'what' of your infrastructure and Terraform figures out the 'how'.
  • Although all resources share the same syntax, . . .

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Explain to me like I'm 9: What exactly is Terraform and how does it work?

July 22, 2024

Sometimes it helps to have a succinct explanation of things. Here's a recap of Terraform:

  • Terraform is an infrastructure management tool made by HashiCorp.
  • Its primary purpose is to allow administrators to provision, manage, and maintain cloud resources.
  • Terraform is a tool and a language.
    • As a tool, . . .

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