Cybersecurity and productivity
I came across a nifty quote by Pete Zerger while watching one of his LinkedIn Learning courses. This one really resonated with me:
Focus on security and productivity. Ensure that security enables productivity as well as reducing risk. If it hampers productivity or increases risk, reconsider.
I know at first glance this seems painfully obvious; the age-old struggle between security and convenience, right? What I find interesting is the specific emphasis on the word "productivity".
Productivity isn't the same thing as convenience. Just because something is easy doesn't mean that it's more efficient or that it's accelerating a business function. Admittedly, there's always going to be trade-offs and SOME overhead associated with the service of security but I think it's worth considering shifting the mindset here.
Hmm. Food for thought. :-)
Posted in: cybersecuritymicrosoftproductivity